Wednesday, May 4, 2011

iPod, iPhone, iMac. Couldn't live without it.

Ever thought about how much we depend on technology? As for me, I'm also an technology junkie. And it just now occured to me, how my life would be without all that technology? Think about it, we blog everyday. We tweet, we post things to our facebook wall. Seriously that's crazy.

This is the way I see it, we tell people on twitter our personal things, right? But when it comes to telling other people your secrets, no one can know. Why? You already told the world, you might as well tell someone who is close to you. Okay, they say it's easier to tell your deepest darkest secrets. And still I can't imagine living without social networking.

And not even social networking, the ability to call your mom, to call your friend. Or not listening to music, without all that fuss of a cd player. Just playing music on my iPod or iPhone. But the one thing I seriously couldn't live without is Internet, plus a computer.

I'm addicted to the computer. I mean I basically grew up with a computer in the house(i'm only 17,though). But the thought of not having a computer, not having a phone, not having a iPod, not being able to go to my computer and go straight to the Internet icon. Or starting up tweetdeck to read up on my tweets. Let's just face it, in the future I think everybody is going to dependable on the latest technology. Okay, we all are now.

So I did a little research and 50 years ago we didn't have all this. Look where we got in 50 years. Where will be in 200 years? Mars? Space? Haha, besides the fact I love technology, and I couldn't possibly imagine a life without this all. Will all we have in the future is our keyboard, typing to each other? Every minute of the day?

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