Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Busy, Tired, Unbroken and Just being random today.

Hey my lovely dolls!  How are y'all doing? Let me know in a comment, i'm always here to listen hihi! Anyhow I have not been treating my blog right. I know, I know these days I'm like becoming a personal blogger or something. Hmm, that doesn't sound bad now, does it? Don't worry my heart still lies with make-up! Always have been though. Since I've been little hihi. I remember people always saying to me, you look nice, you're such a doll(literally though). I was a fat kid, and still am though.

Well I've been busy as always. Like there is school, work. I've been working my ass off, just to buy an iPad. Yes, I have to work for my money. I mean how awesome would it be if I could just run to the store an buy one. But no, I have to wait another two weeks. Cause I'll get paid then *wink wink*. Like seriously, while I'm writing this my phone has been vibrating like crazy. Like I set my phone to vibrate if I get an new mail, and it's been like crazy these few minutes. Oh well. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, school, work and all that boring stuff. I've been really busy, but somehow my life is quite boring though. Hmmmm ... Notice the fact, that I literally wrote what I was thinking at that moment. LOL.

I've been really, really tired though. I still have to get used to the school routine. Which is crazy by the way. Plus my work has been really bugging me, calling me if can work. I mean, I have a life too. I don't go clubbing, just cause I hate it. It's fucking annoying, people getting drunk, doing crazy shit. I don't like that. You can have just as much fun as when your not drunk(i think). So you know, I need to do some socializing too(lol). Anyhow.

OMG,OMG,OMG did you guys hear Demi Lovato's new album, Unbroken? That album is just pure amazingness. And yes, I'm a lovatic. Hollaarr! When I say amazing, I ain't kidding. I just can't stop listening. Like right now, I'm listening to it. This album is freaking worth buying. My favourite songs are: well every song haha! No, but when I heard Lightweight. Wauw my heart just connected. You can hear the pain in her voice. And you know, Demi herself struggled with the fact that she was bullied and people calling her fat. It caused anorexia, cutting, depression. And then there the people that over eat. Like me for example. I'm overweight, and I need to lose weight. But it's not that easy as it seems. Anyhow.

Let's cut if off right there.

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